Covid 19 - Agriculture Supply Chain

Covid-19 has posed a challenge to the basic functioning of the economy, the agriculture supply chain ecosystem as a whole.
It has brought out the underlying factors that have been ignored for years.
The inefficiencies that were existing in the unorganized agriculture sector.
It has raised a major concern of whether we are prepared enough to handle these unforeseen situations in the future.
The sudden announcement of the lockdown in March, although everyone saw it coming, did push the whole system to a standstill.
 The fear of non-movement of essential commodities across the nation in such times threatened the nation with a possibility of chaos and confusion.
 In a nation with such a huge population, this was something that needed to be addressed first-hand.
Thankfully, the government came back with a set of guidelines allowing the movement of essential services throughout the country.
It wasn’t as easy as everyone imagined. The confusion about what was essential and what wasn’t put in a lot of hurdles in the smooth functioning.
Then came the fear that started creeping in everyone’s mind regarding their safety and health.
Truck drivers being the only bread earner in the family and the most important element of the supply chain refused to go to states that
were acknowledged as highly affected. The shortage of labor caused unnecessary delay in loading and unloading of loads,
again resulting in drivers being stuck in areas away from their home left to the mercy of the situation.
End of March and start of April were the most uncertain and unknown times for everyone.
 No one knew when things would be normal again. Everyone had their own theories and perceptions about the worldwide epidemic.

AgriGator team did not stop for even a second. None of us lost our cool. We immediately sat down and brainstormed all the possible
ways that could work in these times, helping everyone associated with us in the best possible way. We utilized the shutdown time to
revamp our trust and relation with traders and local mill owners, explained the minute details of the guidelines to our partners helping
 they restart their functioning, motivated the truck drivers making them realize they are the real heroes of these times.

 Out of the roughly 60 Lakh open trucks involved in agriculture logistics, only 3-4 lakh trucks were operational.
 We picked up every minute effort we could put and push as far as we could.
By mid-May, we had already shipped more than 4000 MT of grains in various geographies,
got the drivers 125% of the pre-COVIDw prices to accommodate the empty truck returns.
 AgriGator team is proud to do its bit to serve its fellow countrymen and maintain the smooth movement of essentials across geographies.
